Links, Blogs & Podcasts
You might just be here because you have MS and find my content of interest. In case you are - here are some links I find helpful along with some blogs and organizations I have run into that I have found pretty darn awesome to follow while having MS.
Where to start? The National MS Society that’s where
The National MS Society is a fabulous place to turn to for information about Multiple Sclerosis!
Looking for another great resource? The MSAA!
The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America is a great resource and they recently released an Ultimate MS Treatment Guide that allows you to compare drugs for disease-modified treatments. They have podcasts, webinars, trainings, and guidance on what to expect when newly diagnosed. Truly a fantastic resource for anyone with MS (and their family members).
There are great bloggers out there with MS!
The best way I have found to stay tethered to this Earth and not lose myself in all the ‘what if's of having MS is by reading other MSer’s blogs. Some are educational and I use them as guidance, other are humorous and keeps MS on the lighter side of things because if you think about it, it is a laughable disease. So crazy you couldn’t make these symptoms up!
mssymptoms.me writes about her MS, and others with MS, features books about MS and is an award winning author that tells her own story about MS. Check her out.
If you are looking to ‘find humor in a multiple sclerosis life’ look no further than Yvonne deSousa. I was recently told about her and quickly dove into her amazing website and blog filled with fun, light-hearted stories of life with MS. She is another author as well that wrote MS Madness!, A ‘giggle more, cry less’ story of Multiple Sclerosis. It’s in my Amazon cart now!
Fundraising Organizations you can get involved with…
MS4MS.org - I discovered them on social and quickly began #SpreadingORANGE!
No one can explain themselves better than them so this is from their website: Mission Stadiums for Multiple Sclerosis (MS4MS) is a registered 501(c)(3) sports and entertainment-focused non-profit organization whose mission is to raise awareness of MS at all stadiums while raising funds directly for families with MS Warriors and for the advancement of research at the Johns Hopkins Project Restore MS Research Center in hopes of finding a cure.
Together, we are #spreadingORANGE!
Podcasts can be a great resource to learn from and a way to simply hear others’ stories about MS
I was featured on one in August of 2022. I was invited because I have MS and the podcast is called “Runners Without Limits” and this particular episode the host was covering her Dopey Challenge run at Disney and that she was running it with the MSAA to bring awareness around MS. She wanted to learn as much as she could about MS as she realized she didn’t know really anything about it. She reached out to me as I shared publically my disease and story.
Listen to it here:
Episode 164 – Being Active with Multiple Sclerosis: Sarah Locke
As this podcast isn’t solely about MS I thought I’d share it here
About the Podcast: Coach Heather and her Client Athlete Jen talk about all things running during a weekly podcast. As a result of their friendship, they began working together as Coach and Athlete, then as hosts of the Runners Without Limits Podcast (formerly Go Find Your Awesome). In it, they discuss training tips, gear, races, recovery, nutrition, products...everything you might want from a Podcast for Every Runner.
MS-focused Podcasts for you to browse:
RealTalk MS - Join host Jon Strum each week as he breaks down the latest multiple sclerosis news. We’re talking about the amazing MS research that’s taking place in laboratories around the world — and we’re talking to some of the brilliant neuroscientists who are conducting that research!
We’re monitoring the debate among our lawmakers surrounding prescription drug price transparency, healthcare legislation, funding for new and experimental MS research — anything that might impact your MS treatments.
And we’re talking with MS activists, MS caregivers, MS fundraisers, and other heroes who strive to raise the bar for those who battle MS every day.
If you’re affected by multiple sclerosis — as a patient, caregiver, family member, or friend — join us for RealTalk MS.
Little MS Sunshine - A podcast to show that life doesn't have to stop with a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. I found this one on Spotify.
I also ran into this blog that shares 40 podcasts about Multiple Sclerosis